Estate Planning Terms You Should Know Before Hiring A Professional Attorney

Are you looking to hire an estate planning attorney? If so, you should prepare yourself to listen to some unfamiliar terms. Whether you are hiring estate planning attorneys for will writing service Coventry or for tax planning, you might encounter some confusing terms. Therefore, it’s important to know what they mean and why they are important. Here are a few estate planning terms: Intestate: Intestate is a term used in estate planning when someone passes away without forming a valid trust or will. In this case, the diseased person's assets are distributed as per state laws. It might not reflect the wishes of the diseased person. Moreover, his loved ones might suffer in such a situation of hassle and uncertainty. Therefore, it's important to have a will specifying your wishes and preferences. Probate: It is another common term used by estate attorneys. This means the legal process to validate your will and settle your estate in simple words. It is a process of filing, payin...